Love You Grandad

Created by Aidan 10 months ago
You wasn’t just a grandad to me you was also my dad and someone I looked up too. 
All the time I spent with you when I was younger I didn’t realise it then but I was learning so much from you, I couldn’t have had a better person guiding me.
I look back on all the time we spent together when you had me doing jobs in the garden and in the house or up at auntie Enid’s and they were the best days of my life. I always felt safe with you and you were my best friend. 
I hated to watch you grow old and weak I missed the scary grandad Denis that kept you on your toes. 
I am happy you are at peace now with your sister Auntie Enid and Nana Polly your mum.
Hopefully you’re having a pint up there and one day I know I will see you again and we can have another together. 
I will always remember you everyday and I will make sure Nana is okay.
I cannot wait to tell my children about you, you was a massive part of my life.
Love you so much 
Grandad Dad Denis ❤️
